2019 ODA Annual Convention
Dental Network Group members attended the Annual Ohio Dental Association Convention in Columbus on October 3-6, 2019, to experience the best nationally-known speakers, the largest exhibit hall in the region, networking events, entertainment, and more!
Practice Endeavors
Dental Network Group member, Practice Endeavors, had their very own “Pit Crew”, who worked hard to make their first time at ODA Convention a victory. Wanting to stand out from the average booth, Practice Endeavors had a lot of fun working with their theme.
“We saw good traffic to visit and take pictures with our own "Ricky Bobby" (aka Jacob Brooks, agent with our company). We identified our target as the dentists and designed our booth prizes to require the dentist to visit and sign up their staff to win. It worked well as we handed out reminder cards to the staff to bring their dentist to our booth. We thought the ODA staff did a great job having events and seminars in the exhibit hall to keep the participants engaged with the vendors. We counted it a win and as Ricky Bobby says "If you ain't first, you're last!"
Dental Network Group member, Practice Endeavors, at the 2019 ODA Annual Convention